We know how much our pets mean to us and we want to recognize all Chase Oaks residents!
Send us a picture of your pet along with his or her name, breed, age, address and an "if found" contact name and phone along with anything else you'd like us to know about them. We decided that this would be beneficial given the number of lost pets we've featured on this site that have been successfully returned to their loving owners. We'll proudly display them here!

Age: 5 Years Old,
Breed: Pekingese eleven pounds, light brown w/ white markings
Nickname: “Momma’s Boy”
Contact: Susan Chamberlain 972-517-8852 or Eric Chamberlain 214-460-5975
Breed: ½ Chow and ½ Weimaraner
Color: Black
Contact: Chris and Stephanie Andries

Breed: Maltese
Age: 3 years old
Color: White
Answers to: Elle or Pups
Friendly to anyone, barks excitedly when seeing someone new
Contact: Alex Manrique 281-610-0943
Carissa Manrique 832-344-7441
Keep our neighborhood
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Your neighbors will thank you!

Breed: Schnauzer
Color: Grey and White
Nickname: Little Lou or Louie
Contact: Lori Deslarzes

Breed: Border Collie
Color: Black and white
Contact Lori Deslarzes 214-734-0489
Age: 6 Years Old
Breed: Pitt Bull-Stafford Terrier Mix, 60 lbs., white with black spots
Answers to: Jackson
Jackson is very friendly with all people and children. Loves to give kisses and sit on your lap to get pet. He is an explorer, so he tends to be wondering around the neighborhood if he manages to get out of the front yard!!!
Contact: Brittney Zuffinetti 76.219.4641 or John Zuffinetti 619.208.0388
Zoey Zuffinetti
Age: 8 years old
Breed: Pit Bull- Stafford Terrier Mix, 60 lbs, Tan and white chest.
Answers to: Zoey and also to ZoZo.
Zoey is also very friendly with all people and children. Enjoys snuggling and is very obedient.
Contact: Brittney Zuffinetti 76.219.4641 or John Zuffinetti 619.208.0388