Looking for New Board Members

There are several openings on our COHA Board due to recent retirements and several job relocations leaving us currently with five openings.

Volunteer position with four meetings a year which last about an hour.

  • Major responsibility includes your experience and input into the annual budget process and the monitoring of how the money has been responsibly spent by the Officers and Board.

  • Being a dues paying Chase Oaks homeowner is the only requirement with no requirement for your length of time as a homeowner.

  • Have an interest or idea on how to improve our neighborhood will prove to be the ideal platform for you to operate from as a Board Member.

  • Would you like further information, please send your questions to Eric Chamberlain COHA@digichamber.com . I will also send you the minutes of our latest meeting along with the COHA Bylaws and Constitution.

Got something you'd like to see in the next online Chase Oaks newsletter?

Send your suggestions, ideas and articles to Eric Chamberlain!
