Chase Oaks Homeowners Association
Newsletter for January-February 2009
COHA Annual Meeting set for March 8, 3 p.m.
The meeting will be in the City of Plano offices next to the Maribelle Davis Library, on
Independence between Legacy and Hedgcoxe. We will discuss and approve the 2009
Budget, elect officers, and also hear an interesting crime-prevention presentation from Officer
Mark Dawson of the Plano Police Department. Mark’s talks are always very entertaining as
well as informative. We will start the meeting with him, so don’t be late!
Dues invoicing in January got a little fouled up. We belatedly noticed that the back side of the
invoice, listing various initiatives COHA carries out with your dues money, was not printed.
We apologize for the error. There will be two more monthly mailings, scheduled for mid-
February and mid-March, and we will be sure to correct this problem so it doesn’t happen
again. Please refer to Page 5 of this Newsletter for the dues-remittance form — which does list
what COHA does with dues money — and send your $75 payment in the envelope stapled to
this Newsletter. Please do this now, and save COHA some mailing costs!
The New Chase Oaks Campaign Steering Committee has raised approximately $46,000, or a
little more than half of the original goal of $85,000. Not wanting this effort to continue interminably,
it is (reluctantly) re-evaluating its original primary goal to re-landscape and re-fence the
entire strip of Chase Oaks Boulevard between 744 Sunkist and our front entrance; the funding
to do this just isn’t there, and doesn’t look like it’s coming. The Committee would have liked
to press on, but has decided that the best course for now is to figure out how to get the most
bang for the buck from the funds remaining and bring this initiative to a close. As of press
time, it anticipates being able to announce its plans at the Annual Meeting.
See you on March 8!
—John Reilly, COHA President
E-Mail Announcements / Crime Alerts
COHA has a system for communicating special Neighborhood Announcements / Crime Alerts. If you
would like to be included, send an e-mail to: to get on the distribution list!
Page 3
Healthy New Year 2009!
Many of you know me as the natural gardener in the neighborhood - just one of the many parts of a healthy lifestyle that
also includes pure water, pure whole foods, fresh air and sunshine, exercise, low stress, avoiding chemicals, etc. In this
article, I am sharing what I have learned about the importance of pure whole foods…
The now-93-year-old health and fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne sums up what foods NOT to put into our bodies – “If man
made it, don’t eat it”!
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is just one of the growing number of medical doctors getting the word out on excellent health
through superior nutrition. His latest books, ‘Eat to Live’ and ‘Disease Proof Your Child’ contain a wealth of information.
The famous Dr. Oz from the Oprah show states on the front cover of ‘Disease Proof Your Child’ - “Dr. Fuhrman
reveals the secrets to long-term sustainable health, using diet choices for growing up smart and growing old happy. Take
your doctor a copy!”
The following quote from Dr. Fuhrman’s website ( sums up one of the main reasons so many
Americans are not living in health…
“For the majority of their lives, many American adults and children consume foods that are deficient in plant-derived
nutrients. I have observed these nutrient levels in thousands of patients and have become shocked at the dismal levels in
supposedly “healthy” people. Our bodies are not immune to immutable biological laws that govern cellular function.
Given enough time, disease will develop. Even borderline deficiencies can result in various subtle defects in human
health, leading to anxiety, autoimmune disorders, cancer and poor eyesight, just to name a few.” http://
This deficiency of plant-derived nutrients is extremely common today even though the official recommended servings of
fruits and vegetables for prevention of disease has increased recently (many sources are now recommending 9 servings
or more daily)!
GREEN SMOOTHIES TO THE RESCUE! The easiest and most efficient way to achieve your daily servings is
through blending fruits and vegetables. The sweetness of the fruits over power the greens, and they are actually very
delicious. Start out slowly with the greens and increase as your taste buds change (and they will change for the better –
lots of energy too). Bananas and berries usually go over very well and romaine lettuce, spinach, and celery are a few of
the milder tasting greens to start out with. My 6 year old nephew drinks them often, but they must contain blueberries
to make them a vibrant purple! Go to this link to watch how to make a green smoothie-
Dr. Fuhrman explains the amazing benefits of blending…
“Blended Salads or Green Smoothies”
Eating raw greens and fruits blended together to make a smooth, creamy treat is quick and convenient. The greatest
benefit of blending is the increased absorption of important nutrients. All plants cells are surrounded by a cell wall
that must be broken open to release the nutrients inside. As a result, most of the valuable nutrients contained within these
cells never enter our bloodstream. Blending raw, leafy greens guarantees a higher percentage of nutrients absorbed
into your bloodstream. By just chewing your food you absorb about 15 - 25% of the nutrients, but blending
makes your body able to absorb up to 95%!"
An EASY, TASTY way to eat your greens!
—Sharon Cobb, Newsletter Chair
Oaks Homeowners Association
BEAUTIFICATION: Active in enhancing the appearance of our community with seasonal planting, maintaining utilities,
and special beautification projects. If you are willing to get a little dirt under your nails, call Nancy Householder at
972 527 7069.
CRIME WATCH / BLOCK CAPTAINS: Works with Plano Police to maintain a safe and secure neighborhood. Distributes
Crime Watch bulletins and prevention tips via the bi-monthly COHA Newsletter to their block of homes and notifies
Membership / Welcoming Chair of any new residents on their block. Call Sharon Cobb at 972 527 6950 for more
information or to volunteer for your block.
WELCOMING / MEMBERSHIP: Welcomes new residents to the neighborhood and provides a Welcome Packet of
helpful information. The committee also forwards names of new residents for announcement in the Newsletter. To join
the committee or to advise of a new resident, call Cheryl Persons at 972 517 6701.
NEWSLETTER: Publishes and distributes our bi-monthly neighborhood newsletter. Advertising space is sold to local
businesses to help cover publishing expenses. Articles are submitted by Committees, Board members, or residents. For
more information call Sharon Cobb at 972 527 6950.
PLANNING & ZONING / TRAFFIC SAFETY: Monitors zoning and traffic-safety issues through involvement in
City planning and acts as liaison between the City and our neighborhood. Mike Riley chairs this committee and can be
reached at 972 517 0872.
SOCIAL: Forms and implements ideas for social events and gatherings to create opportunities to meet your neighbors
and develop closer community relationships. This position is currently open. Call John Reilly at 972 398 8948 if you’re
President: John Reilly 972 398 8948
Vice President: Open
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Billy Lane 972 517 9261
Mike Riley 972 517 0872
Glenn Carter 214 445 7125
John Neal 972 517 8936
Jimmy Dismuke 972 424 5829
Gloria Kahle 972 575 9125
Len Kahle 972 575 9125
Weldon Montgomery 972 527 8699
Crime Watch / Block Captains Sharon Cobb 972 527 6950
Planning & Zoning / Traffic Safety: Mike Riley 972 517 0872
Welcoming / Membership: Cheryl Persons 972 517 6701
Newsletter: Sharon Cobb 972 527 6950
Beautification; Nancy Householder 972 527 7069
Social: Open
Circulation is to over 500 homes!
Full Page $100 / bi-monthly issue 20 cents per home
Half Page $50 / bi-monthly issue 10 cents per home
Quarter Page $25 / bi-monthly issue 5 cents per home
Eighth Page $12.50 / bi-monthly issue 2.5 cents per home
For further information, contact Sharon Cobb at 972 527 6950
The Chase Oaks Homeowners Association (COHA) invites you to become an active member! Our annual dues are $75 per household, renewable each January 1st. Here’s some of what COHA does:
- Beautifies our community through flowers, trees, lighting, mowing and watering our impressive front entrance. Some
- 70% of COHA’s annual budgeted expenses are spent on this -- but it’s worth it.
- Sponsors Holiday decorations of the front entrance and homeowners’ mailboxes.
- Publishes the bi-monthly Newsletters for all homeowners, and the annual Directory for all dues-paying-member homeowners.
- Sponsors social events: golf league, Meet-Your-Neighbor nights, the Fun Fest block party, Halloween parties for children.
- Distributes new-neighbor welcome packets.
- Supports neighborhood crime-watch reporting and education.
- Monitors City of Plano planning and zoning / traffic-control updates.
These are the major benefits provided to all of us by COHA. All of them are significant contributors to what we all want -- high property values. Just as an example, imagine what would be the impact of a run-down front entrance, or a reputation as a neighborhood with a crime problem; your membership, for the equivalent of $6.25 per month, helps prevent problems like these and makes Chase Oaks such a great place to live! Where else can you get more bang for your buck?
We encourage you to become a member or renew your membership of your Homeowners Association and make a difference! Any questions? Call John Reilly, President (972 398 8948).
Listed below are the Homeowners Association committees; we welcome your participation. If you would like to be involved in any of the committee(s), please check the appropriate line and the Committee Chairperson will contact you with more information.
Please complete the following form and return with $75 payment.
I would like to volunteer for the following committee(s): __ Planning & Zoning / Traffic Safety __ Crime Watch / Block Captain
__ Beautification __ Newsletter __ Social Activities __ Welcoming / Membership __ Children's Playtime Group
In addition, please take a few moments to complete the form below for our Neighborhood Directory, printed for Chase Oaks residents sole use (NOT for sale, commercial use, or solicitation purposes). Directories will be delivered to all dues-paying members at no charge. Information not given below — such as telephone numbers and e-mail addresses — will not appear in the Directory.
Please Print.
Last Name(s)__________________________________ First Name(s)_________________________________________
First names of residing children __________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________ Plano, Texas 75025
Phone ____________________ E-Mail ________________________________
To: C.O.H.A. / P.O. Box 260728 / Plano, TX 75026-0728
Residential / Commercial Lawn & Landscape Maintenance
Seasonal Color / Flower Bed maintenance
Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control
Tree & Shrub fertilization
Steve Funk - Chase Oaks Resident and COHA Member
P.O. Box 251724 Plano TX. 75025
Oncor Corporation is responsible for the operation and upkeep of some 400,000 street lights in its service
According to its Web site, “Public Utility Commission rules require that street light outages be repaired
within 15 days of receipt of a report. We work hard to repair street lights quickly and most streetlight outages
(burned out bulbs) will be repaired within a few days of receiving your report, however, some repairs
(cable failures, knockdowns) require additional time to complete and may include coordination efforts with
other city departments or construction projects.
“If you would prefer to report a streetlight outage by phone, please call 1.888.313.4747.”
Or, go to to file an on-line report of an outage.
— John Neal, COHA Director
Are you a Bunco player?
Chase Oaks has two active Bunco groups, and one is looking for one or two new players. We meet once a
month, on the third Thursday of the month, and the hostess that month provides a light dinner for all twelve
If you are interested in learning more, contact Gail Battista at 972 517 0618. We also keep a list of folks
who might just want to be a substitute, so if that interests you, let Gail know.
— Gail Battista, COHA Member
Now that the new digital television standards are almost upon us, if you are planning to upgrade your viewing experience
with a new television, don’t just throw the old one away or even take it to Plano’s Solid Waste Transfer Stations. You
have two better alternatives:
First, you could give it to Goodwill, if it’s still in working order; as of press time, Goodwill advises that it is accepting
televisions. If you still have the remote controller that came with the television, bring that too after testing it to make
sure it still works after perhaps several years of cable or satellite remotes. Use masking tape or some other method to
fasten it to the television so it doesn’t get separated. If you still have the owner’s manual, put it in a plastic shopping bag
and fasten that too.
Second, if the television no longer works, The Dallas Morning News recently ran a small piece about how to recycle
televisions, directing readers to the Green Living page on its Website. A number of local municipalities accept recycled
televisions on a periodic basis, including Plano. According to the site:
“Plano offers recycling events twice a month where residents can recycle TVs. The first one takes place on the first Saturday
of the month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church at 3160 East Spring Creek Parkway. The
second one takes place on the third Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Elliot's Hardware at 2049 Coit Road.
“The event is open to anyone, not just Plano residents. However, there is a nominal charge for all electronics. There is a
$10 dollar minimum for TVs, prices go depending on size of TV. There is also a $5 dollar minimum for computer monitors.
All other electronics are 15 cents a pound.”
— John Reilly, COHA President
COHA would like to extend a warm welcome to our new residents — but we don’t always know you’re here!
For all new residents who have not received a Welcome Packet, please call Cheryl Persons, Welcoming / Membership
Chair, at 972 517 6701. It has a lot of useful information to help you get acclimated to our neighborhood.
WELCOME PACKETS: If you are a COHA member and have an advertisement, business card, or special coupon
you would like to include in the COHA Welcome Packet, which is given to new residents, please call Cheryl for more
information. It’s a great way to introduce your business to new neighbors – and it’s free!
— Cheryl Persons, Welcoming / Membership Chair
Chase Oaks Resident and COHA Member!
For pictures of pianos FOR SALE please visit
Prices starting at $750.00
Palatino Piano Upright
$4,000 Brand New
Chase Oaks Resident
644 Forest Bend Drive