The Chase Oaks Homeowners Association (COHA) invites you to become an active member! Our annual dues are $75 per household, renewable each January 1st. Here’s just some of what COHA does:
o Beautifies our community through flowers, trees, lighting, mowing and watering our impressive front entrance. Some
70% of COHA’s annual budgeted expenses are spent on this -- but it’s worth it.
o Sponsors Holiday decorations of the front entrance and homeowners’ mailboxes.
o Publishes the bi-monthly Newsletters for all homeowners, and the annual Directory for all dues-paying-member homeowners.
o Sponsors social events: golf league, Meet-Your-Neighbor nights, the Fun Fest block party, Halloween parties for children.
o Distributes new-neighbor welcome packets.
o Supports neighborhood crime-watch reporting and education.
o Monitors City of Plano planning and zoning / traffic-control updates.
These are the major benefits provided to all of us by COHA. All of them are significant contributors to what we all want -- high
property values. Just as an example, imagine what would be the impact of a run-down front entrance, or a reputation as a
neighborhood with a crime problem; your membership, for the equivalent of $6.25 per month, helps prevent problems like these and makes Chase Oaks such a great place to live! Where else can you get more bang for your buck?
We encourage you to become a member or renew your membership of your Homeowners Association and make a difference!
Any questions? Contact Eric Chamberlain, President
Listed below are the Homeowners Association committees; we welcome your participation. If you would like to be involved in
any of the committee(s), please check the appropriate line and the Committee Chairperson will contact you with more information.
Please complete the following form and return with $75 payment.
I would like to volunteer for the following committee(s): __ Planning & Zoning / Traffic Safety __ Crime Watch / Block Captain
__ Beautification __ Newsletter __ Social Activities __ Welcoming / Membership __ Children's Playtime Group
In addition, please take a few moments to complete the form below for our Neighborhood Directory, printed for Chase Oaks residents sole use (NOT for sale, commercial use, or solicitation purposes). Directories will be delivered to all dues-paying members at no charge. Information not given below such as telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will not appear in the Directory.
I would like to volunteer for the following committee(s): Please Circle Your Choices
- Beautification
- Newsletter
- Social Activities
- Welcoming/Membership
- Block Captain/Crime Watch
- Planning & Zoning
Please Print.
First Name(s)_________________________________________- Last Name__________________________________
First names of residing children __________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________ Plano, Texas 75025
Phone ____________________ E-Mail ________________________________
- COMPLETE AND RETURN WITH $75 PAYMENT To: C.O.H.A. / P.O. Box 260728 / Plano, TX 75026-0728
- Thank you for joining!