Urgent Zoning Change You Don’t Want!!
Dear Neighbors, You are probably unaware of an extremely important zoning meeting that is being held next week, on Tuesday, May 28, at 3:00pm, in the City Government Building on Ave. K in Plano. This meeting will affect our neighborhood’s Single Family Zoning!! This includes Property Values and Neighborhood Traffic Management.
Without any notice, a Sober Living Facility moved in to 7312 Stoney Point Drive last October 2018. The company website for this facility is www.elevatedsoberliving.com and they have a Facebook page as well.
You may have noticed all the cars parked on both sides of the street which has made it difficult to drive safely on Stoney Point.
There have been at least 8 women living there since October, recovering from various drug and alcohol dependencies. I am sure most of you are sympathetic with their struggle, but we all expect the city to enforce our Single Family Zoning Rights. When we bought our homes that is what we signed up for and what we should continue to expect. I am personally outraged that this could happen without anyone knowing.
The new Zoning Ordinance that is being requested is for 15 RESIDENTS! That will be 15 cars and 15 women and their visitors!
This is just the beginning of negative issues that could present themselves. The owners have bought the largest home in our neighborhood and converted it to their purposes. What’s next? This cannot be allowed to pass.
We need you to attend this meeting. They have hired expensive lawyers and are arrogantly planning on getting their way. I personally have lived here for 30 years and never dreamed I would have to put up with this sort of infringement on our rights.
They have scheduled the meeting on Tuesday after Memorial Day. Why? Because they don’t want us to show up and voice our concerns.
Please come and support your neighborhood. I am calling and emailing our City Council, the Mayor etc. I’ll send out a list of contacts. We need you to come and help fill that room! Please join me.
Please feel free to contact me, Chris Andries 214-693-7633 christopher.andries@gmail.com